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Legume-based cropping for sustainable production, economic benefit and reducing climate change impacts in southern Ethiopia


Tenaw Workayehu


Research Article | Published January 2014

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research, Vol. 2(1), pp. 11-21



Hawassa Agricultural Research Center, Southern Ethiopia, P.O.Box 366, Awassa, Ethiopia.
E-mail: ttenaw@yahoo.com.  Tel: +251-911904776.




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Bean-maize (Phaseolus vulgaris L-Zea mays) intercrop is a common practice in southern Ethiopia. However, its effect on weed, productivity, and economic benefit has not been assessed. Climate change has significantly affected crop production in southern Ethiopia. Intercropping is used as a means to reduce the risk of climate change and sustain productivity and production. Agronomic and economic advantages of intercrops were evaluated over five years (2008-2012) at Awassa. Three weeding practices (0, 1, and 2 weeding), and single (MB) and double (MBB) rows of bean alternated with one row of maize were used in complete factorial experiment using randomized complete block design. Sole crop bean (SB) and maize (SM) were included. Variability in rainfall influenced the effect of weeding and intercropping. Seasons with better rainfall had less weed but more pods plant-1, plant density, dry matter, bean and maize yield, energy value and economic benefit. Weeds in intercrop were 30% less compared with sole crop bean. Weed biomass was 16 and 30% less in MBB than SM and MB, respectively. Weeding increased plant height (16%), pods plant-1 (19%), grain (60%) and dry matter (38%) yields of bean, energy yield (56%), and monetary benefit (59%). Bean yield was 52 to 68% greater with weeding compared to the unweeded. In the dry year of 2011, weeding increased grain yields of bean and maize by 44 to 124% and 33 to 121% more than the unweeded, respectively. Maize yield varied between 43 and 66% with weeding compared with weed control. Bean yield and total land equivalent ratio (LER) in MB was 35 and 22% more than in MBB, respectively. Maize yield in MB was 15% lower than sole maize but 19% more than MBB. Energy yield and monetary benefit were 19 and 29% higher in MB than MBB, respectively. Intercropping resulted in LER of 20 to 67% yield benefit over sole crop and saved 38% more farm land. Overall, intercropping suppressed weeds and was more productive and economical than sole crop, which reduced risk of climate change and sustained crop production. This would benefit farmers in reducing the risk of climate change and alleviating food shortage.


Key words: Cropping system, maize, monetary benefit, Phaseolus vulgaris, productivity, weed management.



Citation: Workayehu T (2014). Legume-based cropping for sustainable production, economic benefit and reducing climate change impacts in southern Ethiopia. J. Agric. Crop Res. 2(1): 11-21.
