Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research

Research Article | Published December 2017 | Volume 5, Issue 6, pp. 108-116


Graphical assessment of yield stability and adaptation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) genotypes in Cross River State, Nigeria




Odor E. O.*

Iwo G. A.*

Obok E. E.


Email Author


     Department of Crop Science, University of Calabar, PMB 1115 Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.


Citation: Odor EO, Iwo GA, Obok EE (2017). Graphical assessment of yield stability and adaptation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) genotypes in Cross River State, Nigeria. J. Agric. Crop Res. 5(6): 108-116.



Cucumbers are essentially beneficial for total health. During the dry season, due to its high water content and important nutrients that are essential for human body, its production and demand is usually high. Five commercial cucumber genotypes: Ashley (ASL), Market more (MM), Marketer (MK), Poinsett (P.ST) and Supper marketer (SM) obtained from the National Institute of Horticulture (NIHORT) Mbato Okigwe station, Imo State, Nigeria, were grown in four environments which include Calabar, Ikom, Obudu and Obubra in Cross River State during 2015 cropping season. The aim was to determine the genotype by environment interaction and the stability of performance of the genotypes across environments. Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model and Genotype plus Genotype by environment interaction (GGE) biplot were used to identify agronomic stability among the genotypes. The two techniques adopted proved the genotype Ashley to be relatively more stable when compared with other genotypes. The Ikom environment specifically supported high fruit yield performance for all the genotypes evaluated.

Keywords  Cucumber   environment   genotypes   stability   yield  



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