Article abstract

Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research

Research Article | Published June 2021 | Volume 9, Issue 6. pp. 142-151.



Typology and determinants of the accessibility of agricultural holdings to index agricultural insurance: Case of the food-producing area of South Borgou (Benin)




Alain Togbédji Aguida1*

Paul S. Hountondji2

Jacob A. Yabi3


Email Author

Tel: +22967673706


1. Laboratory of Analysis and Research on Economic and Social Dynamics (LARDES), Department of Rural Economics and Sociology (DESR), Faculty of Agronomy (FA), University of Parakou (UP), BP 123 Parakou, Republic of Benin.

2. NFA / UP, BP 123 Parakou, Republic of Benin.

3. LARDES / DESR / FA / UP, BP 123 Parakou, Republic of Benin.


Citation: Aguida AT, Hountondji PS, Yabi JA (2021). Typology and determinants of the accessibility of agricultural holdings to index agricultural insurance: Case of the food-producing area of South Borgou (Benin). J. Agric. Crop Res. 9(6):142-151. doi: 10.33495/jacr_v9i6.20.181.



The objective of the study is to make the typology and identify the determinants of the accessibility of agricultural holdings to index agricultural insurance in the food zone of South Borgou in Benin. Data were collected from 320 heads of maize-producing farms in the three pilot municipalities. The producers were categorized into prosperity level classes of qualitative typology method, supported by Factor Analysis in Multiple Correspondence (AFCM). The binary logistic regression method determined the factors that influence the adoption of this insurance. Analysis of the data allowed to categorize the farms surveyed into rich (8.90%), medium (15.10%), poor (29.70%) and very poor (46.30%). In total, 68% of rich and medium holdings were insured against 33.30% for the very poor with a significant difference at the threshold of 1%. Thus, the factors which significantly influence the adoption of agricultural insurance at the 5% threshold are: access to formal credit, contact with extension, cultivated area, membership of an association and level of prosperity. These factors are important in promoting index agricultural insurance.

Keywords  Index insurance   typology   farms   AMAB   Benin  



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